Teacher Blogs

Teacher and Classroom Blogs
            I found several blogs that I thought were pretty cool. I will show you some of them here. One I found is called Kinder Craze. It is run by a woman named Maria Gavin. She currently teaches kindergarten but she did teach first and second grade previously. She says that she tries to make her classroom a warm, cozy, and happy place because she spends more time there than she does any other location. I chose this blog because it was interesting to see all the posts about how to set up a classroom. She has one that I found very interesting about how to set up a classroom library.
            Another blog I found is called the Cool Cat Teacher Blog by Vicki Davis. She is a full-time classroom teacher and an IT Director. She hosts a podcast called the 10-minute teacher. She seems to be very adamant that we should say learning differences instead of learning disabilities. They aren’t disabled, they just learn differently. She has posts about so many different topics. I think that anyone could find something to interest them on her blog. As part of her podcast, she interviews teachers from all over the world.
            The last blog I’m going to talk about is called Teacher Tom. Tom is a preschool teacher from Seattle, WA. I chose this blog in large part because he was local. His school takes children in when they are 2-years-old and the kids leave them when they are 5-years-old. He has posts about all sort of different topics as well, but it seems to me that he puts a lot of personal experiences in to his posts. I like when I can read about how someone did something and how it worked in their classroom instead of just being given the information on how to do something.


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